Directory Listing

Customize your online P-Long directory listing, where you can provide information about your practice, such as practice name, provider's name, logo, website, address, and a brief practice bio.

Practice address

Provide your practice's physical address details, including street address, city, state, zip code, and country.

Share your practice's website URL.
Please upload your practice's logo.
Let us know how you'd like your provider's name to be displayed on your directory listing.
Upload your headshot if you'd like it to be included in your directory listing.
Tell us how you want your practice name to appear on your directory listing.
Write a brief bio or description of your practice.

Lead Management

This section is dedicated to setting up your lead management system, allowing you to control and organize your potential P-Long patients efficiently.

Please provide a username you'd like to use for accessing your CRM system.
Enter the email address where you'd like to receive notifications about new leads.
Please specify the phone number to which we should forward incoming patient inquiry calls.

Staff Access

If you have team members who need access to your lead management system, use this section to add their information and roles, ensuring everyone has individual access.

SMS A2P Registration

To enable automated texting to your P-Long leads from your P-Long lead management system, this section collects essential business information and authorizes representatives for SMS texting compliance and functionality.

Enter your practice's legal business name.
Business Type (Corp, LLC, Solo, etc.)
Choose the type of your business entity (e.g., Corporation, LLC, Solo practitioner).

Company Authorized Representative: